Selected Scripture


Friday, July 8, 2011

Revisiting Old Places

All of us at times in our lives have gone back to places we have known in our past that have special meanings to us. We somehow get strength from revisiting those old places. Our memories of a happy joyous time in our lives are revived.
The same is true of our spiritual lives. We need to revisit some of those old places where God has touched our souls in a very special way. For example, got back to the time right before you were saved and remember all the feelings you had at that time. How miserable, wretched and lost you were. You knew something was missing and you at first didn't know what that missing thing was. And then by God's grace He touched your heart by His Holy Spirit and then you knew it was a personal relationship with God that was missing. Then by God's grace you were led to ask Jesus Christ to save you and when you asked Jesus to save you, a miracle happened and you were born again. Revisit that old place where you were saved. Remember what God did for you at that time. You will be reminded of God's love for you. You will be strengthened by the fact that in spite of your sinful condition God sent Jesus to save you anyway.
Romans 5:8 (NLT)
8 But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.

Revisit those places of old in your life where there was a special move of God in your life. In other words count your many blessings, name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.

We have a tendency to get stuck in a rut. That is because we have let the things of the world or some problem to turn us from our focus on God. We have become complacent-[pleased, especially with oneself or one's merits]. We didn't mean to become pleased with ourselves but we have.
We no longer are excited about the things of God as we were at one time. Revisiting old places helps us to remember where we were without God in our lives and then begin to appreciate what God has and is trying to do in our lives right now if we will but only turn back to Him with the passion we had when we first come to know Him.
 By revisiting old places we can begin to regain those spiritual losses we have experienced lately.
Genesis 35:3 (NLT)
3 We are now going to Bethel, where I will build an altar to the God who answered my prayers when I was in distress.
Jacob revisited old places that were special to him. A place where God moved on his life in a very special way that he could never get away from. His life took a dramatic turn there at Bethel. Even though many things had happened since that experience with God, he still remembered it.
Genesis 35:9-11 (NLT)
9 Now that Jacob had returned from Paddan-aram, God appeared to him again at Bethel. God blessed him,
10 saying, “Your name is Jacob, but you will not be called Jacob any longer. From now on your name will be Israel.” So God renamed him Israel.
11 Then God said, “I am El-Shaddai—‘God Almighty.’ Be fruitful and multiply. You will become a great nation, even many nations. Kings will be among your descendants!

After Jacob revisited the old altar he had built to God, he was revisited by God again and there God blessed him again. That's what we are looking for, another blessing from God like the one we had back in our past. So take time to revisit old places in your spiritual life where special moves of God took place and see if you are not blessed again maybe even greater than you were before.
If you have never been born again you can not experience a move of God in your life. You can change that right now by admitting that you are a sinner before God and then ask His Son Jesus Christ to forgive your sins against God and then invite Jesus into your heart to live in you and take charge of your life. I promise you that if you are sincere Jesus will not turn you away.
John 6:37 (NLT)
37 However, those the Father has given me will come to me, and I will never reject them. Give your life to Jesus now and you to will have a very special experience in your life that will forever change you and you will have a home in heaven when you leave this earth. You will also begin to experience God in a way you never have before. You will continue to grow in Him until you life here on this earth is over.

You will forever praise and thank God for saving your soul from Hell.

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